Wednesday 12 August 2015

Disaster Averted

The bed enveloped us until around 10.00 as we recovered from the lack of sleep over the last 36 hours!

Our hotel room is on the 16th floor of the Carlton with a view passed Raffles Hotel down to Marina Bay and the harbour which is like a parking lot - ok the view is only a narrow one because of the building on the left, but it is a view!

The weather was rather overcast with light showers on and off during the day, hence the mist out on the harbour.

Today was relaxing in so far as we didn't venture far, in fact no more than 800m from the hotel, as there were 3 large shopping centres just around the corner.

Further along there was the Arab area (elsewhere there is Chinatown, Little India, etc.) which was very clean & tidy as well as less populated and dominated by the mosque. It was an interesting area and they were lucky enough to get some of our dollars.

As we left that area Sherry took a tumble as she missed a step and crashed to the concrete but thankfully nothing was broken or damaged so disaster averted. The positive if there is a positive out of an incident such as this was if she had have damaged anything it occurred right outside Raffles Hospital!

Our observation re Singapore is that the cost of things has significantly increased since we were here two years ago and seem to be more expensive when compared with costs that we had experienced in Europe on identical/similar items. We were taken aback when we went to the supermarket last night and saw the prices of food - as an example an apple, one single apple was SGD4.00 which equates approx to $NZ4.40. For the locals sake you would have to hope that salaries reflect these costs.

Singapore is currently celebrating its 50th birthday and the city is awash with the national flag and other signs of the occasion.

At Linate airport there was the above display of the Duomo made out of 100,000 Lego pieces and according to the placard perfectly to scale and with all detail.


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