Thursday 13 August 2015

The concrete jungle

Another late rise, another day around the shopping centres this time in Orchard Road which has undergone (and is still undergoing) "rejuvenation" over the past couple of years as a lot of the buildings appear to have been modernised.

It remains however a road of glamour with all the high end retail shops in attendance but unlike Milan where these shops were understated Singapore puts them right in your face!

The following photo was taken outside the Prada store and as the saying goes "The Devil Wears Prada"

Having decried Orchard Rd I have to say that if you look other than at the buildings the street itself with the tree covered walkways is not unattractive

And so our 2015 adventure is coming quickly to an end as we fly out of Singapore for home late tomorrow evening. We have visited cities big and small in the UK, France, Italy, Croatia and here in Singapore each of which have had their own charm. We have seen buildings very old and modern, churches embellished with all the trappings and some decorated very simply. We have met people who have all been extremely helpful and friendly and have at no time have we felt unsafe. Some of the drivers on the road have been patient while others exhibit typical driving aggression.

Above all we have enjoyed ourselves!


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