Tuesday 4 August 2015

Palladio's Place

Last night as we returned to our digs after a meal I took the following snap on my phone of the sunset over Trieste harbour
We moved tent today to Vicenza, a town slightly north of Venice and not unsurprisingly as we had moved inland the temperature has risen into the mid 30s and the forecast for the places where we will be this week is for 35s+.
In much the same way as Barcelona has Gaudi, Vicenza has Palladio - Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) is widely considered to be the most influential individual in the history of architecture" and a large number of his works are here in Vicenza.
Teatro Olimpico
Basilica Palladiane
Palazzo Chiericati
There are numerous others but you get the picture
In the Chiericati there was a globe of the world created in 1640 which depicted Australia and when you think that the first European only landed on Australia in 1606 then word got around fast!
Like most European cities Vicenza is endowed with a plentiful supply of churches and perhaps the most memorable was Tempio Di Santa Corona with a rather different altar centrepiece
and a painting by Bellini which the gentleman at the door was very proud to advise us of ...
...as he was to tell us that Palladio designed the crypt!
Visits to a couple of museums completed our quick and dirty tour of Vicenza in the searing heat and it was a relief to get into the air conditioned hotel room late in the afternoon before we venture out again later for a meal.

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