Sunday 2 August 2015

If you don't try you never succeed!

We left Pula at 8.00am to try and miss a queue at the Slovenia/Croatia border - we failed!

Arrived in the vicinity of the border and found the queue was at least 2kms long so we settled in for a reasonably slow crossing however it moved fairly quickly and we were only delayed about 25 mins.

Just across the border we stopped at a money exchange kiosk to get rid of our remaining Croatian currency by converting to Euros and after the transaction we were left with 4.10 kuna or approx 50€ cents (which will end up at home in the valueless currency jar)

Arrived in Trieste around 10.30 and parked in front of our accomodation, spoke to the landlord and then ventured into Centro.

Our impressions of Trieste at this stage were not that good - grafitti'd and dirty buildings everywhere - which were not enhanced when we called into the Tourist information office to find out where the public loos were only to be told that there are NONE in the central city. So back to our B&B we went.

Returned to the city centre to get lunch but that was another mission as there was not one shop open that sold something as simple as a sandwich and after walking for about half an hour we finally found a cafe that presented a burnt panini!

The Centro is dominated by Piazza Dell'Unita D'Italia which is said to be one of the largest and most spectacular squares overlooking the sea and spectacular it was with buildings surrounding it that reminded of Vienna

Further on there was the inappropriately named Grand Canal

and I noticed that the lampposts were numbered I guess to assist dogs in determining whether they had used the post previously!

We then took the Tram Di Opicina, a 1902 rack tramway which links the city with the plateau and which gave a view across Trieste

and the Adriatic. After coming back down to sea level we meandered back through the city to our accommodation to relax before venturing out again for a meal.


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