Friday 3 July 2015

A chance encounter

Angers to Poitiers via Loudun was today's trip arriving in Poitiers around lunchtime

Loudun was a village just off the highway we were driving on and the sole purpose we stopped was for a coffee.

There were quite a few cafes in the village and we choose Le Zenith for no good reason

As Sherry was explaining to the woman how she wanted her coffee made (this is no small task!) I was looking around the cafe and saw monogrammed berets as part of the decor

A closer look suggested they were berets of the various rugby clubs so I struck up a very awkward conversation with the lady but it was a conversation that became less awkward as we hand gestured, used small words etc and I soon understood they were berets of every rugby club in the French premiership except Stade Francais who don't have a beret

She called over her husband (I think) and rattled off something to him and he went out the back and came back with a Stade Francais flag which he offered to me

I made it known I was not after his souvenirs and he (who couldn't speak a word of English) and me ( who can't speak French apart from some basic words) had quite a conversation - names mentioned followed by thumbs ups and smiles were Carl Hayman, Byron Kelliher, Luke MacAllister, Ali Williams and others

It was obvious he thought highly of the NZers playing in France

The roads out of Loudun village were one way, narrow, cobbled (typical of an early era) and confusing even to the GPS!

Found our accommodation in Poitiers as well as some melting roads from the 35+ heat which is getting to these oldies - by mid to late afternoon we are down to a shuffle as it is the hottest time of the day

Also the restaurants don't start serving evening meals until 7pm so if we have come out at around 2pm we are 5 hours plus in the heat unless we find an air conditioned shop to go into to cool down.

Poitiers is dominated by the Notre Dame la Grande a cathedral that sits on the cities highest point and everything then drops away to the La Boivre and Le Clain the two rivers that encircle the central area of Poitiers which has 2000 years of history - the 80 plus listed buildings bear witness to that

There are four historic walks listed on the tourism map so I can see what we might do tomorrow when I will also have the camera at the ready!

By the time we get back "home" tonight (I am writing this in a cafe which has some air conditioning operating) we will have shuffled approx 10kms keeping up our average of 10+kms walked each day - I think I need a holiday!!!


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