Friday 24 July 2015

Rocks in your head

Well that is what it felt like last night trying to sleep on the piece of concrete that was supplied as a pillow in the hotel - it didn't make for a refreshing sleep that is for sure!

We have now all but completed our trip across the north of Italy as we have arrived in Grado, a resort town on the Adriatic very near to Venice and also to the border with Croatia

It is or appears to be like Venice made up of numerous lagoons but without the canals

The second language here is German as they, the Austrians and Swiss frequent it in big numbers during the summer, I guess as it may be the closest ocean coastline for those folk.

It has the feel of Lapad, the beach area we visited near Dubrovnik a couple of years ago and the city has its old town though unlike Dubrovnik it is not walled

The coastline stretches as far as you can see and not every bit of it is attractive to swim or sunbath but that didn't stop this local

We walked around town for a few hours after we arrived and then headed for a swim - it is the first beach that we have ever swam at where you have to pay to do so, in this case €1 each.

The beach is full of umbrellas and loungers as well as personal changing rooms all available at a cost

The temperature of the water was very warm and it really felt that you were having a warm bath but it was very refreshing if not a little salty.

All that remains today is to find a ristorante that provides a decent meal!


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