Monday 20 July 2015

Market Day

After the hotel breakfast we ventured out into the heat and headed for Mercato Di Porta Palazzo which is the daily outdoor market in Turin. On the way we stopped at a cafe in Via Garibaldi for Sherry's morning fix and were lucky enough to run into a young lady who assisted with the language.

As we sat outside she came across and we had a good chat - she is on holiday from USA but is half Italian and half Crotia and is on a three week holiday to visit her family in Istria, and as we are heading to Istria ourselves we discussed various towns to visit

The Mercato is a very typical European market with numerous (make that a lot) of stalls selling cheap clothing, shoes, household utensils not to forget the fresh fruit and veggies

Where the clothing is made could be debatable even if it is labelled as made in Italy as the prices do not allow for the garments to be high quality.

It was debilitatingly (trust that word can be found in a dictionary) hot with shade being at a premium.

After poking around in the market for around an hour and a half we moved off to have a look at Quadrilatero Romano which is the old roman area which has undergone some rejuvenation and the buildings in the area were rather more clean to look at in comparison to others in the city and there was also a communal veggie garden

After lunch I went looking for an Italian flag having been given, by the Information Centre, two addresses at opposite end of town (I exaggerate slightly) but having walked to both areas there was no sign of any shop selling flags! I sense that it may be as difficult to find in Italy as it was in France.

We then went to have a look at Palazzo Reale , the Royal Palace, but it was closed on Mondays so we will have to go back tomorrow

Nearby was the Palazzo Madama which while relatively modern on one side was distinctly ancient on the other

Mid afternoon there was a mini thunderstorm that crossed over the city clearing the air for a short time and I returned to the hotel to watch some of the Tour de France while Sherry spent more time undergoing retail therapy!


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