Thursday 16 July 2015

La Chaleur continues...

...with temperatures here in Annecy reaching 35 degrees mid to late afternoon.

This morning we visited the Musee Chateau which sits in an elevated position above the old town. The walk up to it caused a fair degree of sweat but the "rue" we walked up was rather pleasant

The Chateau itself wasn't that much to write home about but that was not a concern as the main purpose of the visit was see the view from above the city

After lunch we visited the Palais de L'Ile (the building Sherry is standing in front of in yesterday's blog) which was a prison for five centuries, first being used in 1325.

There was not that much to see as it has been turned into more of an exhibition centre but it is a visit that I guess most tourists undertake

The heat of the day made a walk to the lake for a swim almost obligatory even though you have to walk a fair way around the lake to get to the area where swimming is permitted.

The lake is said to be the "purest" in Europe and if that is the case I wouldn't like to swim in the lake that is at the other end of the scale but the dip certainly was refreshing however the walk back to town almost had one turning around again and going back for another dip

The backdrop is quite stunning!

We (or should I say I) finished off the day watching the end of today's stage of the Tour de Franceo and also a few holes of The Open Championship on TV though the commentary in a foreign language lessened the enjoyment.


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