Saturday 25 July 2015

Exercise Day

As if we needed it!

After breakfast we made use of the bicycles provided by the hotel (as do most hotels here in Grado) and went for a two and a half hour ride around Grado, a ride interspersed with a couple of stops.

The first for coffee at a lovely cafe

and later when we ran across the local market

It has been many years, decades even, since we hitched our frames on to a bike seat and it took a while to get some confidence among other cyclists and any vehicles that were coming our way.

It did however allow us to see far more of Grado than we would otherwise see - the lagoons, the canal around the island we are staying on and other areas of town

Having put the bikes away it was then a walk into the centre to find some lunch and then back to the beach for a swim.

I mentioned yesterday the private changing rooms available for hire and today I took a photo.

We estimate the beach to be about 2 kms in length and along that length there are little sheds and umbrellas and loungers in close proximity to each other - imagine this photo repeated for 2 kms and you have the beach at Grado.

As a matter of interest we don't know whether yesterday we received a discount to go on the beach or today we were ripped off - €1 yesterday, €2 today!

A walk to the centre later for dinner will complete our exercise for the day.


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