Tuesday 14 July 2015

Golly gosh, Nosh

Sherry received Nosh's weekly promotional email yesterday and one of the products being offered as a promotion was 250gm La Rustique Camembert cheese, the promotional price being $12.99 reduced from $19.99

We were at the supermarket this morning and checked out the local price for the same product - would it surprise you that the equivalent NZ price was $2.54!!!

No one minds anyone making a profit, and the supermarket obviously were on their price, but even allowing for freight, import duties etc. even $12.99 looks decidedly dear and could even be described as price gouging and if that description is apt what would one categorise the non-promotional price as?

As a matter of interest from what I can determine the equivalent GST tax in France is 20% but 10% for books and restaurant meals and 5.5% for groceries.

Today was a quiet day, being Bastille Day though we did return to the mustard factory to undertake that tour and in the afternoon we went for a swim to cool off from the low 30 degree heat.

Tonight we are going to Gigny where the locals have their Bastille Day celebrations including a firework display which we will report on in our next blog


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