Friday 10 July 2015


Today was a holiday day on our holiday as we didn't do too much today.

In the morning we visited the Musee du Vin, the museum that celebrates the wine industry that dominates the Cote D'Or and which the locals are naturally very proud of - we went into a "cave" (more on that in a later post) and the lady gave us quite a good background to wine pricing.

A locally produced quality wine solely from local grapes would retail for €100 plus and that has lead to wines produced from a mixture of grapes so that there are wines available for tourists around the €20 per bottle

The museum was interesting but most of the written material was in French which left us guessing to a certain extent regarding the significance and or age of some of the exhibits


An old wine press, various tools of trade and some very old wine bottles discovered in the area

What astounded us was that this industry has its roots in the years "before Christ"

Again there were numerous large tapestries adorning the walls - tapestry has featured numerous times in the telling of the historical stories that we have encountered.

After lunch it was a visit to the Notre Dame but the interior was nothing to get excited about being rather dull in comparison to other churches we have been to.

The rest of the afternoon was taken with Sherry spending some time (and a goodly proportion of our daily budget:)) at the Coiffure but the result suggests that both time and money was well spent!!

Tomorrow it is up early to go to the weekly Saturday market which is said to be a feature of Beaune life before we scoot 117kms back up the A6 towards Paris to meet up with an optometrist - more on that tomorrow.


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