Sunday 28 June 2015

A long drive... Honfleur today caused by an incorrect setting on the GPS.

As we travelled south west on the motorway it wasn't long before we followed her instructions and turned off the motorway. This took us through various small villages where the speed limit was down to 50 whereas the motorway has a limit of 130.

The GPS was telling us that it would take until 1.15 to arrive and having left at 9 four and a quarter hours of travel was a little too much to contemplate so I reset the GPS and saw that the setting for "No tolls" was activated and it was then obvious that we had been diverted away from tolled roads.

Having then reset to travel on tolled roads it immediately indicated that we would arrive 60 minutes faster and off we went hooking back up with the motorway.

At one of the toll booths you had to insert your credit card and the transaction was completed in a few seconds without the need to enter any PIN number and no receipt was provided for whatever amount the "system" charged to the card!

The drive into Honfleur was across a rather impressive bridge about five kms before the town and we arrived into town which was literally buzzing with tourists, locals and day trippers.

We are actually staying in the Post Office! Well the 3rd floor of it anyway in a spacious apartment - what I have come to realise is that the old body is not as good as it once was after carrying suitcases up 3 flights of stairs, some quite narrow, for the second day in a row.

The town is a seaside town and has a lot of character and even more restaurants. There is a town basin and there are restaurants all around the basin as well as in every side street and most of them were full

As yet we haven't come to understand the history of the town but being on the Normandy coast it's more recent history will be Second World War related and the street where the post office is, Cours Albert Manuel, is named after a French Resistance fighter.

The photos today are poor quality due to an incorrect setting on the camera which was not noticed until I extracted the photos from the SD card - I hope to have better tomorrow

We are now 10 hours behind Auckland due to the time zone change from the UK (as we found to someone's cost when we rung at what we thought was 7 am NZT when in fact it was 6 am - sorry J)

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