Saturday 13 June 2015

Weather plays its part

Woke to a very wet Saturday morning and at breakfast started chatting to a couple I guess our age who were on their own adventure - cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats & were around a third of the way through the challenge.

Our Peugoet got us safely to Liverpool late morning and as our luck on trips such as this has been by the time we arrived the sun was shining

En route we had received text updates of the Warriors game versus the Roosters and I shake my head that after leading 20-6 into the second half they get run down, a big disappointment.

Liverpool is a surprise - the environs coming in were more attractive than the mental picture we had, the city centre is well laid out, the architecture is very eye catching and the bars around the centre where our apartment is located by mid afternoon were really rocking.

The area around Mathew St is ful of bars recognising Liverpool's favourite sons and attracted numerous tourists as well as locals

There is a new trend emerging in this part of the world and which, I guess, will reach NZ at some stage - young ladies in town with curlers in their hair. We must have seen more than a dozen or so.

By the end of the day we were rather cold due to a chilling wind coming in off the Mersey which we hope has been replaced by strong sun tomorrow.


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