Saturday 27 June 2015

Parlez Vous Francais

Leaving Pigeonwood House we went back to Dover to revisit the White Cliffs as the morning was very sunny and the wind had all but disappeared.

We ventured out across the National Trust area until we got a very good view of the cliffs

On the way back we spent some time looking down over the loading & unloading operations at the port - there were trucks for Africa on the wharves waiting to board the various ferries

It is a very slick operation as is the train crossing known as Le Shuttle which we used this afternoon. For £64 which we had booked from NZ in September you drive your vehicle onto and along the train filling up each carriage with 4 or 5 vehicles depending on size - there are two levels in the train so each carriage has between 8-10 vehicles on board.

Precisely at the scheduled time the train leaves and 35 mins later one drives the vehicle off into France remembering of course that now the left hand drive vehicle has to be driven on the right hand side of the road

Calais was also beautifully warm as we walked around the city (I won't tell you about knocking over, well almost over, this old lady as I gawked around the sights).

There were two particularly attractive buildings in the CBD area

You might have read in the papers or seen on the news the vast number of migrants who are trying to enter England from Calais - the men in this photo are a group of Syrian refugees protesting about being abandoned in Calais.

It is Saturday here and as we walked along there was an absolute cacophony of car horns as a stream of cars went passed and it brought back memories of having heard that last time we were in France - it was signifying that the cars were taking folk to a wedding.

Tomorrow it is Honfleur's time to welcome us.


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