Thursday 18 June 2015

It was around every corner

Yesterday I blogged about the weather and the expectation of seeing Arctic around every corner. Well today we met up with it, it's parents, grandparents & many prior generations face to face - it was fine but bitterly cold, unpleasantly so due to the wind, wind that has left my face looking like it has been sunburnt!

This morning we visited the Edinburgh Castle which sits at the top of The Royal Mile and overlooks the New Town area.

It is a typical castle built in defence of a city and today houses museums to the armed forces and various Scottish regiments.

It is well maintained and the buildings within the walls are quite majestic

We spent the full morning there and after leaving we walked over to the New Town area which is basically a city centre shopping strip.

Having given that area a good looking over we returned to the Old Town and booked a tour which was advertised as a historic tour of the dungeons that are underneath Edinburgh.

The tour started at 5.15pm and lasted about 70 mins and while the tour guide was a good story-teller, in truth it was somewhat disappointing as 50 mins approx was spent walking around the Royal Mile area and being told some of the history and the other 20 mins was basically in a dark basement underneath a recently abandoned building!

Having been in the cold for 10 hours approx. it was with some relief that we arrived back to our warm apartment.


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