Wednesday 17 June 2015

Another bullet missed

We left Ambleside at 9.00 this morning in rain which stayed with us for the better part of the drive north through to Edinburgh however our luck held as it cleared before we arrived in Edinburgh and stayed fine for the rest of the day - more on the weather later.

We knew we had entered Scotland when we saw a sign for Lockerbie the area where PanAm flight 103 was blown out of the sky in December 1988 killing all on board

For the last 30 miles or so Mrs GPS for reasons known only to herself took us on the tourist route into Edinburgh rather than the quicker motorway route which added around 15 extra minutes to the trip.

Found our apartment which is approx. a 15 minute walk from the central area of the city, unpacked, put the car away in a car park for the next 3 days and walked into the city until we came to The Royal Mile.

We ambled up The Mile enchanted by the buildings that lined both sides of the street until we reached the Castle at the top of The Mile where scaffolding was being installed I assume for the upcoming Edinburgh Tattoo, scaffolding that distracted from the environment

We have a ticket to view the Castle tomorrow so there was no need to spend time around the environs so we started off back down The Mile stopping off to poke our noses in various shops

We continued all the way down the Mile (which seemed a lot longer than a mile) until we came to the

By this time it was well late in the day so we started our return back to base looking out for a place to have a meal.

This was had in

Being in Scotland one has to have haggis at some time so tonight was it - and a rather pleasant meal it was, Haggis, Neeps & Tatties!

I mentioned earlier the weather - while it was fine i.e not raining, it was bitterly cold as the wind was cutting through to the bone. I fully expected to see the Arctic around every corner and while we didn't its younger brother certainly was.

We look forward to tomorrow.


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